It smartly integrates previous models, moving beyond ‘pigeon-holing’ people in rigid labels and to a way in which we can learn by gaining awareness and observing what is true in others, as it is exists in ourselves.
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Agreements can be a tricky thing. What happens with most people is that agreements at some area are assumed. Assuming an agreement is a slippery slope, and what we look at within any innate system, any living system is that there's agreement more than by assumption. It's by a cohesive working together, and in the case of human beings it's either spoken or written. Agreements set up the framework for a relationship. An agreement is not necessarily a contract, in…

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Have you ever wondered why some people keep having the ‘same old same old’ happening to them? It may be a simple as reoccurring thoughts and feelings like “Oh, bother, its Sunday night and tomorrow is Monday again”. OR it may be more complex like the same old stuff coming up in relationships, business or finances. You may even be aware of it happening to you? Well, one thing is for sure - repeating patterns aren’t due to chance. My observation…