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Mark Postles

Mark is a professional speaker, business coach, professional development expert, chiropractor and author, his goal is to touch the hearts and inspire as many people’s lives as he can with his vision of hope for humanity.

AngryQuadrant 1Your Life

Angry Enough?

Many of us in this politically correct world are trained to believe that anger is a negative emotion. It is something to be denied or at least suppressed or ignored. We were taught to hide it from others and worst still, from ourselves. Anger is seen to be a weakness and in some respects that could be correct. Consider the two perspectives of anger, the one that is reactive to outside sources and the other a considered expression of repulsion. Let’s…
Mark Postles
April 11, 2017
AgingYour LifeYour World

Aging is an option when you are passionate

I was chatting with a group of friends this past weekend around the topic of what makes individual people’s impact so different. In this context I reflected back a couple of years to an event that made a significant impression on me in this context. I attended the Rolling Stone’s Australia tour performance in the Hunter Valley, NSW and oh, what a show. 20,000 people of all ages and generations rocked to the music that these 70 plus year old…
Mark Postles
February 28, 2017
in8model® UpdatesQuadrant 1

The Road to Hell

Today is my birthday and I am taking the opportunity to look back over the few short years of my life and gratefully consider the magnificent journey that it has been to this point. As I sit in our family room looking out at the boats on the water as the palm trees gently blow in the sea breeze I see my little (well actually quite big) reminder to think big. The sign ‘Infinite Possibilities’ spans the entire width of…
Mark Postles
January 27, 2017
Mindset Series

Top 4 Myths That are Stopping you from Moving Forward

Sometimes you come to a 'tipping point' in your life where you seek to learn from the past and design a better future. Mostly people live their life on automatic with one year being a repetition of the past. They don’t question the premises that they live by and accept things as truth when in fact they may be myths. Today I want to address some key Myths that people buy in to that stop them moving in the direction of…
Mark Postles
January 18, 2017
New YearQuadrant 1Your Life

Will you beat the odds in 2017?

With the turning of the clock into a New Year it gives you a time to integrate the learning from the year behind and project forward into what might be in the year ahead. Creative visioning is probably more common at this time of year than at any other as we all get into the swing of the New Year and romance the possibilities that lie ahead. If you are like most people you will have experienced making great resolutions…
Mark Postles
January 3, 2017
Christmasin8model® Updates

Your Merry Legacy

As we slip into the end of year mode and prepare for the year ahead it is a good time to reflect on that which was during 2016 whilst at the same time also consider that which could have been during the year. The year gone has seen huge and unexpected changes occurring globally. Things aren’t the same today as they were yesterday or last year. While some people have gone into reset mode in the face of these changes…
Mark Postles
December 22, 2016
Breaking HabitsYour Life

Change for Good – Breaking Habits

I wanted to continue on from where we left off last time in our observation of how it is that we create what we create in the course of a year. If you are like most people there are areas in your life where you are not where you thought you would be by now. You may have dropped the ball when some circumstances occurred. It may have been something good. It seems strange that things being easy can cause…
Mark Postles
December 13, 2016
PlansYour LifeYour World

Change for Good – Create plans for 2017

With the end of the year fast approaching I am sure that you are hearing others (and maybe yourself) saying – “OMG, where did the year go?” Quite a valid question, I would say. Are you where you thought you would be by this December when 2016 began? How does your reality line up with the reality that you imagined at the beginning of the year? Have your plans resulted in the outcomes that you set 12 months ago? Take…
Mark Postles
November 22, 2016
Balancein8model® UpdatesYour Life

Balance is Everywhere and Nowhere

I constantly hear from people that they are seeking balance in their life, their home, business, practice, team etc. Much time and energy is spent trying to bring life into balance and yet all too often this quest is not accomplished. Maybe our perception of balance has a missing component to it. I suggest that the thing that gives balance its form is time. We could say, in the middle of the night that there is no light and that…
Mark Postles
November 4, 2016