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in8model® Updates

in8model® UpdatesYour LifeYour World

Experience What’s Possible

Everything is constantly moving. Even inanimate objects aren’t really motionless. They are just vibrating so rapidly they appear to be solid. That’s why it’s important to constantly reassess. Even your home’s color scheme needs to be reassessed on a regular basis. Nothing stays constant. Every part of you and your world is constantly changing. Fearing change won’t do you any good. It only holds you back from “what’s possible.” It keeps you rigid and promotes inflexibility and ultimately death. Think…
Mark Postles
March 8, 2016
in8model® UpdatesYour Life

Lightness of Being

From this discussion I suggest that there are four essential life principles that help to align your perspective and inspire profound transformation. If you are familiar with the in8model you will recognize these principles. They are: 1.Trusting the Divine in all - An elemental principle of life comes into play here. When you boil down most religions and summarise the highest levels of quantum science there is an acknowledgment of a universal intelligence, which gives to matter all its properties…
Mark Postles
February 23, 2016
Leadership Stylein8model® Updates

Leading with Style

Its often thought that a leader must be a certain style to be effective. The stereotypical hard driving, dictatorial, table thumping, Donald Trump style ‘Leader’ is not only not the best style for many situations but it also is not the only style to be a leader from. When reviewing the in8model on the subject of leadership we realise that there are a vast array of character traits available that are extremely effective in certain contexts. Veronica Smith, an exceptional…
Mark Postles
January 15, 2016
in8model® Updates

Bearing Gifts

With the Christmas period upon us there is an increased awareness of gifting. The media is full of gifting ideas as we are whipped into a spending frenzy for the ‘silly season’. Apart from the commercial component of the Christmas period the season brings with it a reminder of the importance of directing our thoughts and resources towards others, especially those who we love or those less fortunate than us. This brings up the question on what is the most…
Mark Postles
December 22, 2015
in8model® Updates

What Part Will you Play?

The end of the year is a significant time in our calendar. Maybe it is because Christmas falls around the high energy of the solstice. Christmas is a time for gratitude and appreciation of what we have already plus, its a time of planning for the new possubilities that the future will deliver. In in8model® words, this is a time to look back to the past year (Quadrant 2/4) and to look forward to the New Year (Quadrant 1/3). The…
Mark Postles
December 15, 2015