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Mindset Series

Mindset Series

Tolerate – NOT

Tolerance can be a two-edged sword. On one hand, it can be a high value and very useful trait that gives you the ability to overlook aberrant behaviour, particularly that of others which may be different than yours. This is the subject of a discussion at another time. The other side of the ‘sword’ is the one that I wanted to address today. Imagine a foreman with a crew of a hundred skilled workers. These people really knew their stuff.…
Mark Postles
September 22, 2017
Mindset Series

Top 4 Myths That are Stopping you from Moving Forward

Sometimes you come to a 'tipping point' in your life where you seek to learn from the past and design a better future. Mostly people live their life on automatic with one year being a repetition of the past. They don’t question the premises that they live by and accept things as truth when in fact they may be myths. Today I want to address some key Myths that people buy in to that stop them moving in the direction of…
Mark Postles
January 18, 2017