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Your Life

Quadrant 1Your Life

Get Around To It

We are now 3 months into the New Year and I would mind betting that you have already noticed yourself procrastinating on some aspect of your 2018 resolve. It may be just a little thing here or there but the structure is the same – putting off to tomorrow what you could have, (or by your rules or decisions) should have done today. Now, it’s pretty hard to find a person who does not procrastinate at all from time to…
Mark Postles
March 14, 2018
Quadrant 1Your Life

Perspective is everything

There are many things that we can’t comprehend in our life and because we can’t comprehend it doesn’t meant that it doesn’t exist. Consider what you are filtering out in your life by excluding the immeasurable and unseen.
Mark Postles
February 20, 2018
Quadrant 1Your Life

Make this year Play with a Purpose

As I write this I am 7 hours into another 12 hour long haul flight and as usual the cabin staff have commented that I am still ‘working’! This is a funny one, because I don’t see work as ‘work’ and for me it’s always been play. If I choose to do something surely it makes sense to either only do something that I love or if there isn’t love there in the first place then bring love to it.…
Mark Postles
February 6, 2018
Your Life

Stress and Neuroplasticity

The subject of neuroplasticity reminds me of a story of the emerging butterfly. One day, a small opening appeared on a cocoon. A man sat and watched for the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then, it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could not go any further. So the man decided to help the butterfly: he…
Mark Postles
October 19, 2017
Why Change DirectionQuadrant 1Your Life

Why Change?

I want to touch on the topic of change and thought that the subject of transformation was worthy of consideration. When we consider the dictionary definition of transformation we find words like - change in form, appearance, nature or character. The operative word here is change. Transformation is the process of change across form – or from one form to another. The in8model is a model of how it is that we transform. For anything new to come into being,…
Mark Postles
October 3, 2017
Your Life

Experience What’s Possible

Everything is constantly moving. Even inanimate objects aren’t really motionless. They are just vibrating so rapidly they appear to be solid. That’s why it’s important to constantly reassess. Nothing stays constant. And fearing change won’t do you any good. It only holds you back from “what’s possible.” It keeps you rigid and promotes inflexibility and ultimately death. Think about this...If you brood about change and hope everything stays the same (your life, relationships, children, practice and finances), how can you…
Mark Postles
August 21, 2017
Quadrant 1Your Life

Trusting The Order In All

It doesn’t take swinging from a trapeze or jumping off a cliff to make transformational leaps in your life. You have opportunities to make transformational leaps every second of the day – every day. In the in8model® I suggest that there are four essential life principles which help to align your perspective and inspire profound transformation. Today we will visit the first one being, the ability to trust the order in everything. It’s a tricky one, isn’t it? With such…
Mark Postles
August 1, 2017
Quadrant 1Your Life

Certainty v Uncertainty

Many people speak of the importance of certainty. They say that to succeed you must be rock sold and certain in your position. They say that you must resolutely ‘hold the line’. I disagree. I suggest that growth happens when we surrender to the uncertainty that lies just beyond the known and familiar. The certainty trap is a state of holding on tightly to the trapeze bar in the metaphor that we spoke of previously. This is a state in…
Mark Postles
July 21, 2017
Quadrant 1Your Life

Living in the Abyss

Life can feel like a series of high wire trapeze swings. Imagine yourself either hanging on to a trapeze bar swinging along or, for a few moments at a time hurtling through space in between the trapeze bars. Most of the time we are tightly hanging on to our trapeze-bar-of-the-moment. These are the behaviour that you call ‘me’. This is your identity. It carries you along at a certain steady rate of swing and you have the feeling that you’re…
Mark Postles
July 7, 2017