Have you ever wondered, why you do the things you do?
Have you ever felt that things just ‘happen’ to you?
Do you think that your personality is set and you can’t change who you are?
The results of the in8model questionnaire will shed light on these questions and explain how your brain works. Gain insight into your unique strengths and weaknesses, how this effects your processing of the world, and how to improve communication with those around you.

When you take the Questionnaire you also get a FREE Mini Report to help you understand your results and the in8model.
Take the Free Questionnaire
When answering the questions, don’t deliberate on the answer or worry about a ‘wrong’ answer, there is no such thing, just go with your first gut instinct.
I have a place for everything and everything in its place.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I feel comfortable working with large amounts of money.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I automatically watch people's faces when I am talking to them.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I value effectiveness in other people. The “bottom line” is the important.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I dislike having my routine disturbed or altered.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I can always see in my minds eye how to arrange the dishwasher or pack things in the boot of the car in order to get everything in.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I think people should keep their emotions to themselves.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I enjoy doing things myself because then it gets done.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I get excited by "big possibility" ideas.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I prefer to have the final say in money matters.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I know instinctively what people are feeling.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I am always willing to express my opinions.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
It's always important for me to know why I am doing something.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I think people's values are more important than material things.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I get some of my best ideas when I’m not thinking of anything in particular.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I think rules are important and should be adhered to.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I tend to take responsibility for big decisions.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I enjoy doing repetitive tasks correctly.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I am more interested in the "big picture" rather than the small details.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
How a job is done is as important as the end result.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
If I have to do something complicated I like to have an established protocol to follow.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I believe thinking is more important than feeling.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I am logical and tend to think things through to completion.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I always read the instruction book before operating a new appliance.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I tend to start projects and not always finish them.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I trust my feelings rather than thoughts.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I think co-operation is the way to get things done.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I trust the hunches that come to me to solve my problems.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I like designing things and consider myself artistic.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I find filing, sorting and labeling relaxing.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I feel uneasy when people start arguing around me.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I like to use stories and analogies to explain and understand things.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I think success can be measured by happiness not achievement.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
It's important to consider others in decision-making.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I am good at supporting and comforting people.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I love to sing, dance and listen to music.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I often find myself working on many things at once.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I like to be able to measure my success objectively.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I like new and varied tasks - not routine.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I often touch people when I talk to them.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I have a sense of humor, which has at times gets me into trouble.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I put my social commitments in my diary and stick to them.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I make my mind up quickly and change it slowly.

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I struggle with finances and money issues

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I struggle to maintain a loving relationship with myself and others

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I get distracted easily and do not tend to finish tasks or projects

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
I get stressed out with life and work easily

Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding
Out of these last 4 areas, which one would you feel is the single most important area that you would like to address and improve.
Please choose YES or NO
before proceeding