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Generation Failure

…and the in8model® educator revolution

The current education system is failing to prepare the next generation for our fast-paced, ever-changing world whilst leaving educators overwhelmed with the ever-increasing demands.

The in8model® is a simple and practical guide to understanding brain function and neuroplasticity. This knowledge empowers educators to create learning environments that cater for all parts of the brain. This revolutionises the way we educate our students for life long learning despite the outdated system we are asked to work within.

The in8model Educator Book is part of a broader program by in8Ed that empowers Educators with the knowledge of brain function and neuroplasticity, and provides them with the ability to adapt learning environments to cater for the different learning preferences of each student.

What’s covered in the Book


  1. Inductive reasoning
  2. Exclusive
  3. Mechanistic
  4. ‘Strip everything away and give me the vital components’
  5. Past-orientated
  6. Repetition
  7. Systems
  8. Sameness
  9. Views school as a rigid institution developed by policy and process
  10. ‘Some students are gifted, most are average, some don’t have what it takes. The teacher’s role is to give the information – the gifted students will grasp the concepts quicker and more effectively than others.’
  11. Communicates the curriculum in their own personal preferred style
  12. Teaches the academic
  13. Views students as a collective


  1. Inductive and deductive reasoning
  2. Inclusive and exclusive
  3. Vitalistic and mechanistic
  4. ‘Look at what I could do with this!’ (possibility-focused)
  5. Future-orientated
  6. Variety
  7. People
  8. Difference
  9. Views school as a growing and ever-changing organism, made up of people and their collective interaction and cooperation
  10. ‘All people are unique and brilliant; it is the role of an educator to assist them in drawing that out’
  11. Creates effective learning environments by communicating in the person’s learning style
  12. Educates the whole being
  13. Views all people as individual and unique

About the Authors

Chelsea Horner’s life purpose is to inspire people to unleash their potential. She is an in8model® licensed practitioner and educational trainer.

Chelsea oversees mentoring programs for a diverse cross-section of disadvantaged children. She is a qualified high school educator, business owner, singer/songwriter and mother of three.

Dr Mark Postles is the founder of and author of the in8model®.

As a speaker, business coach, professional development expert, chiropractor and author his goal is to touch hearts and inspire as many people’s lives as he can with his vision of hope for humanity.

You have in your hands a profound educational and life paradigm shift tool that sheds light for your journey in life and learning.

Dr Mark Postles has vast experience and well-honed knowledge centred around a s y stem he has termed the in8model. It is a well proven road map and method for navigating the journey of life and has benefited many. He is an accomplished speaker, business coach, professional development expert and author.

Chelsea Horner is a passionate and creative secondary teacher, wife, mum, student of best practice pedagogy and expert in the in8model. Together they have teamed up and produced this paradigm shifting book . This is an extraordinary contribution to all of us who are concerned about improving the process and method of education for students and potential learners, who all have life ahead of them. It really can bring about paradigm shifts in the lives of people who struggle, as well as for ones who already thrive.

Dr Andrew Menzies, BA, BMin, MMin, DMin, MAICD.Principal, Stirling Theological College – University of Divinity