When we have information to process, we engage the left basilar area and it is here that we research and sort out all the “fluff” that came through from Quadrant 1. It could be said that the brain takes us to where the heart longs for us to go. Quadrant 2 asks the specific little questions and dissects information into understandable detail. “What?” is the common expression of this area – it wants the details, the content. This is the seat of order and structure – the home of the learned brain. It is the area that loves quantification and tangible science.
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Quadrant 2 in depth
The thinking part of us has, as its very nature, the need to polarize or split things into two, thereby causing separation. This area has a thirst for information and will break things down into their smallest components. This is the place of inductive reasoning and our reductionist science, where we explore the complexities of our world in minute detail.
Specificity and precision are important for this part and these elements come through when it really counts.
Quadrant 2 is for detailed planning. Here is where assessment, meaning making and understanding take place. When decisions are carefully made on objectives, a determination is made as to the direction and achievement of those objectives. Quadrant 2 carries out this assessment and develops a test plan. When satisfied that it is right, it creates an operational plan ready for implementation.
The Quadrant 2 part needs to deal with facts and tasks in a formal and proper way. There is limited sharing of personal feelings and opinions unless it feels very safe and secure. Small talk is not its forte and it prefers more focused conversations; its voice has little inflection with few pitch variations and tends towards a monotone, slow and low volume delivery in an auditory digital way.
Quadrant 2 prefers to express itself with few gestures and facial expressions, and will avoid contact where possible. This Quadrant tracks time very closely and is not flexible in this aspect – when it’s time to go it’s time to go, regardless of where things are at. This task-oriented Quadrant detests digressing from conversations.
When this part is challenged, the usual insistence on specific detail and precise accuracy goes out the window and this part lurches forward with an uncharacteristic blast of generalizations and deletions.
Quadrant 2’s theme is “notice my efficiency” and it will do whatever it takes to be correct and on time.
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