Quadrant 3 is located in the right basilar area of the brain. This is where we sort out the practical from the theoretical which Quadrant 2 gave us – we take the small details and put them to use to help humanity. “How?” is the common expression of this area – it wants to know how to apply the details and see them work. This area performs the appropriate actions in accordance with the philosophy (Quadrant 1) and science (Quadrant 2). It is the seat of application and industry – the home of the gut. Quadrant 3 is the hardworking, doing area of our brain.
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Quadrant 3 in depth
This section is driven by common sense and a sense of “what is right”. A leading question from this Quadrant is “HOW would I use this?” It is where we gain identity and belief from acquiring skills through application. It is the realm of the technician and is primarily interested in how things work.
The Quadrant 3 part asks more than it tells and listens more than it talks, so there is less verbal chatter but in many ways more actual communication. This Quadrant gives intermittent eye contact and is patient and considerate of others. People are very important to Quadrant 3. Handshakes are gentle, opinions reserved and the voice is steady and warm with lower volume and slow speech.
You will at some time have been aware of a gut feeling. It represents an undeniable sense of awareness and knowledge that tugs on you from your inner most being. Quadrant 3 references the gut, which has a brain of its own, called the enteric nervous system. Just like the larger brain in the head, research has shown that this system sends and receives impulses, records experiences and responds to emotions.
Quadrant 3 has a strong kinesthetic connection and is sensitive to and connects with the body in this integrated loop of communication.
This part knows it is being supported when it has the opportunity to produce and especially the opportunity to show its techniques and skills. This part knows it is successful when it is liked and friends are of huge importance.
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