“Excellence can be attained if you…
- Care more than others think is wise.
- Risk more than others think is safe.
- Dream more than others think is practical.
- Expect more than others think is possible.” – Jim Gentil
This week’s quote has so much wisdom in it so we will explore it under the 4 topics that it deserves. I suggest that if you take the time over the next four weeks to focus on each of these statements you will see major change occur for yourself and your practice.
Diving into your Quadrant 4 and risking more than others think is safe is a sure-fire way to open yourself to a state of excellence.
The risk that most often violates our safety as a person is often the idea that we may be found out to not know all that we are ‘supposed’ to know or think we should know. With this notion we can find ourselves treading the path of safety and security by being risk averse. In this situation you can resort to hiding behind certainty, opinion and knowledge and not allowing yourself to be transparent.
When you open yourself up to risking you allow yourself to be vulnerable, to be found out that you don’t know, that you don’t have the answers. As you surrender to this state you accept the enlivenment, invigoration and energizing that comes from this position. You embrace your ability to be curious and ask meaningful and penetrating questions.
Living in this unsafe zone becomes a vibrant, entertaining and enlightening journey of discovery.
Shun safety, embrace risk and enjoy living on the ‘edge’.