Every moment of my life, no matter how fleeting it is that I spend with another person is an exchange of my life with them. Even if its buying a loaf of bread from the man at the corner store I am investing an irretrievable unit of time with the person I am with in the moment.
Life is a series of moments and all too often we waste our life waiting for the ‘special’ moment to happen or the ‘special’ person to appear at which time we can be happy, fulfilled, peaceful, loving, content etc,in8m
So how do I make every moment a special moment you may ask?
All too often we go into a moment with another person with our ‘shopping list’ of ‘must haves’ – of character traits and values that are important to us. We figure that if they have these then it will be OK.
If we don’t see our values in them we lose interest and the relationship is less than ideal. We put a label on the person and the moment’s value to us and them becomes less.
The in8model® suggests that we ALL have ALL PARTS. Every person you interact with brings to you a full complement of gifts and value. There is opportunity to extract massive pearls of wisdom and associated growth from even the most ‘boring’, ‘ordinary’ (add whatever negative label you chose) person.
The truth is:
We are all filled with great stuff.
We all have all parts.
We all seek connection.
Every connection with another person can be a peak experience for you – it’s just a question of HOW?
Some of the most interesting, joyful, fulfilled and rich and famous people that I know are Present, Interested, Intrigued and Intensely Connected to every person they encounter – be it the billionaire or the bus boy they engage – and they bring out the unseen beauty in the person they are interacting with which. This is awesome to observe.
The really great part of this though is that they bring out their own magnificence. This is the cool part because when we are coming from our own magnificence we attract more magnificence to us.
The common denominator here is YOU.
It really is all about YOU and through that WE ALL FLOURISH
Dr. Mark Postles